Athletic Directors & Coordinators
Schools/Athletic Directors Section
We thank you for your partnership and look forward to working with you for the 2024 Fall Girls & 2025 Spring Boys Volleyball Seasons!
We will continue to use the Scheduled Match Counts-Officials Availability sheet to show dates during the season with available officials. If a date is filled in Black with Red letters, we are NOT able to add matches on those dates. Please use this grid to schedule non-conference matches or reschedule matches during the season when selecting dates.
1) AGREEMENTS & FEE STRUCTURE WILL AUTO-RENEW UNTIL THE 2026-27 SEASON - No action needed until the Spring of 2026.
2) SUBMIT HOME MATCH SCHEDULES - Please submit schedules that include your 3 highest level teams (i.e. B, JV, & Varsity) by the date listed below. Our projected roster will allow us to send 2 officials to each school to cover up to 3 matches/night. Use the blue button above to check on the status of your submitted/not submitted schedule and verify your billing/invoice option.
Girls Fall = Submit by June 1
Boys Spring = Submit by January 15
3) SUBMIT TOURNAMENT DATES - Please send your Varsity, JV or B hosted tournament requests to We will only put placeholders on the schedule from host schools that send us tournament information using the following format with all fields completed:
Level (Varsity, JV, B/C):
Expected Number of Courts:
Expected # of Matches per Court:
Expected Start/End Times:
Match Format: (i.e. Pool Play=2 Sets to 25 only, Bracket Play=Best 2 sets of 3)
4) VERIFY YOUR SCHEDULES IN ARBITER - All ADs/Assistants in our system will receive an email approximately 1 month prior to the start of the season letting you know we are ready to have you verify your volleyball schedule in Arbiter.
Please log into Arbiter
Verify your HOME match schedule using GAMES link in the top SITE row
Send any questions or changes to or just reply to that email to let us know you're "good to go" and we'll check you off the list
MVOA will invoice you for your home matches and MVOA will pay the officials. Please modify any of your confirmation email instructions that you send to officials to remove any language requesting vouchers/W9, etc. Please adjust any match day procedure documents to remove any instructions for site supervisors to ask officials to complete payroll paperwork.
Girls Fall/Boys Spring Season Schedules
How should we format our conference schedule?
MVOA will continue to work with Conference Coordinators to submit the conference schedules for priority entry.
We will again be asking conferences to build schedules as flexible as possible and include a mix of days of the week.
Use the Scheduled Match Counts-Officials Availability sheet as a guide. The weeks where we've asked conferences to avoid hosting matches on Tuesday & Thursday are listed in the first column and the dates are RED in their conference column.
What about non-conference matches and tournaments?
MVOA is happy to work directly with ADs to schedule non-conference matchups on days of the week that have available officials shown in the Scheduled Match Counts-Officials Availability sheet.
Hosted tournaments may also be submitted and must include required details referenced in #3 of the AD Pre-Season Checklist above.
Varsity tournaments will be prioritized, followed by conference championship tournaments, JV, then B/C level tournaments.
Freshman level tournaments and below should be directed to Hammer Sports for coverage.
When should schedules be sent to MVOA?
Please submit your home match schedules for Girls by June 1 and for Boys by January 15. Conferences and schools that have already submitted their schedules AND have a current agreement on file will start seeing their matches in Arbiter starting for Girls on May 15 and for Boys on November 15.
MVOA will send a request to all ADs to review their entered schedule for accuracy and reply with a "Good to Go" prior to the start of the season. We target the verification process to start for Girls on August 1 and request completion by August 10 and for Boys on February 25 and request completion by March 5.
Schools can check the status of their submitted schedule and billing option choice using the VB Schedule Checklist sheet.
Who do we send our match schedules to?
Please send match schedules to for entry into ArbiterSports.
How do I get access to MVOA's Arbiter tenant?
If you are a new AD/Assistant, please send the following information to and we'll send you an invite to accept the next time you log into Arbiter.
Contact Name
School Address
Job Title/Role
Billing & Payments to Officials
Who pays the officials that work our home matches?
MVOA pays the officials that are assigned to the matches listed on the schedule that you provide to us for the season. Schools do not need to collect vouchers or W9s from volleyball officials that are assigned by MVOA as we take care of that paperwork through our payroll and tax filings.
Schools may choose from the following options for billing (your selected billing method from the previous year will be carried over unless you'd like to change):
OPTION 1: MVOA will send a single invoice at the start of the season for the home match schedule submitted for your full regular season and schools shall pay that invoice in full on net 30 terms to allow MVOA to compensate the officials on our scheduled payroll dates. Any changes (match additions, cancellations, etc.) will be reconciled at the end of the season. This reduces the number of transactions required of your business office down to two (one at the start and one at the end of the season, if needed).
OPTION 2: School policies that require services to be completed prior to payment, may request option 2 and will receive invoices for weeks 1-3, 4-6, and 7-9 from MVOA. Payments are due upon receipt from schools using this option so MVOA can meet our payroll schedule
Arbiter Schedule Verification/Match Levels
You may log into at any time and check the status of your matches by selecting Metro (104653) from the drop-down tenant menu located in the top right of the Arbiter page.
All of your home matches, inclusive of all levels, can be found by clicking the number in the Games column of the SITE row in Arbiter (see screenshot below). If there are Notes on your match you'll see a clipboard icon (WITHOUT a green +) in the Notes column for that match.
We don't typically enter a separate match for every level playing in the same evening. Instead, we "bundle" the combo matches since they will be assigned to the same officials.
Here are some examples of the Sport & Level bundles used in Arbiter:
B/JV/Varsity - 1 official for the B Match, 1 official for the JV Match, both officials will then do the Varsity Match. This entry in Arbiter will list the start time of the B/JV match. It is assumed that the Varsity match will follow 90 minutes later or a note will be added to clarify timing for the varsity match.
JV/Varsity - This format is 2 officials for both JV and Varsity who will swap R1/R2 positions between matches. Start time in Arbiter will be the JV match with the varsity match to follow 90 minutes later unless noted.
B - We do not have a "C" level in Arbiter to use, so you will likely see "B" or "Sophomore" where you expect to see "C".
Sub-Varsity & "Early" Matches
Will MVOA assign our 9th Grade schedule?
Metro's anticipated roster will allow us to send 2 officials each night to cover your 3 highest level matches. If your 9th grade team is one of your top 3 levels on your home schedule, we will work to cover it. If your 9th grade team(s) are your 4th and/or 5th levels, then no, we are not able to cover those at this time.
MSHSL Member Schools have the option to partner with HammerSports, LLC, a local lower level match assignor, to assign these additional lower level matches and tournaments. Schools may also opt to cover these matches themselves.
What time should we schedule our matches?
The traditional standard for match times is 5:30 Sub-Varsity & 7:00 Varsity. This timing allows us the most flexibility in scheduling available officials.
Matches with start times prior to 5:00PM limit the pool of available officials by 60%. The vast majority of officials have 8-4 or 9-5 day jobs. You have a significantly larger selection of officials available to cover your matches when your matches are scheduled to start at 5:30PM.
Tournament Schedules & Procedures
When do I need to send my final tournament match schedule to MVOA?
As soon as you have your tournament match schedule and procedure document completed, we would like a copy. Said copy is REQUIRED to be sent to us NO LATER THAN the Friday the week prior to your tournament.
Please send tournament schedules and procedures to
Varsity tournaments will be prioritized, followed by conference championship tournaments, JV, then B/C level tournaments.
Freshman level tournaments and below should be directed to Hammer Sports for coverage.
What if it's pre-season and we don't have the exact information yet, what info does MVOA want from me to get started?
We will only put placeholders on the schedule from host schools that send us tournament information using the following format with all fields completed:
Level (Varsity, JV, B/C):
Expected Number of Courts:
Expected # of Matches per Court:
Expected Start/End Times:
Match Format: (i.e. Pool Play=2 Sets to 25 only, Bracket Play=Best 2 sets of 3)