
League Information - 2025 Winter Leagues start January 8


South View Middle School (SV)
4725 South View Ln, Edina, MN
SV1 & SV2:  Park in the CENTER LOT and Enter Door 11.
SV-City Gym: NEW: Park in the CENTER LOT and Enter Door 11.

Team Schedules


INCLEMENT WEATHER:  For weather program cancellations please call the Edina weather line at 952-826-0638.  Decisions will be made by 4:30 for any indoor activity. 

Alternate Locations

Edina High School (EHS) Upper Gym 1, 6754 Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439 - Enter Door 6 which is the athletics/activities entrance.  Walk straight past the school store/activities office and take the hallway to the left. The Upper Gym is immediately on your right after taking that left. It is labeled as GYM N205 on the map linked here

Edina Community Center (ECC), 5701 W Frontage Rd, Edina, MN - Park in the middle green lot and enter Door 7 at the far end of the lot , that is up the stairs.  The ECC-City gym is to the left down the hall.

Valley View Middle School (VV), 6750 Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439 - Enter Door 1, walk in the school and take the hallway to the right, take a left halfway down the hallway to the gyms. The gym doors are along the right side. 

Edina High School (EHS) Field House, 6754 Valley View Rd, Edina, MN 55439 - Enter Door 6, walk past the stairs take the first left past the stairs. Walk down hallway and go down the stairs to the field house. 

Officials Assignments

Assignments will be managed in ArbiterSports under the SCHEDULE tab (see below for an example).  

Your assigned court number will appear in the Position column. 

To see the others assigned to courts that night, click the blue game number to open a new screen with your partners listed along with their contact information.

The address to your assigned location can be found by clicking the name of the location in the Site column.

The number of matches you're assigned can be found by viewing the Team Schedule above and finding your assigned court.  Be aware that some leagues play on multiple courts on a given night, so you may need to look at all team schedules to compile all the matches that will be played on your court.