Independent Contractors
Requirements for Working Events for MVOA
Officials who would like to work events assigned by MVOA should fill out the corresponding application. Buttons to applications appear on all of our league/event sites. A full listing of all applications can be found on our APPLICATIONS tab at the top of the site.
All officials must submit an Independent Contractor Agreement each year (SEE SECTION 2 - STEP 2A).
All officials must have a W-9 on file with Metro with their current name and address (SEE SECTION 2 - STEP 2B).
All officials must have a Direct Deposit Authorization on file with Metro (SEE SECTION 2 - STEP 2C).
Officials working events that involve minors must pass a background screen within two years of the assigned event. (SEE SECTION 4 - STEP 4A)
Officials working JUNIORS/CLUB EVENTS between January & June that involve minors must have taken SafeSport/Abuse Prevention Certification within two years of the assigned event. This training is required for all adults who have regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors. (SEE SECTION 4 - STEP 4B)
Officials working select JUNIORS/CLUB EVENTS that include a Tiered Payment structure should review the requirements for each tier in Arbiter (Select Metro from upper right drop-down, go to the Dashboard tab, review the post in the Announcements section)
All officials should take the free, online, Concussion Management Training course once every three years. The MSHSL Concussion module also fulfills this requirement. (SEE SECTION 4 - STEP 4C)
All officials must have the proper uniform, basic equipment, and knowledge to officiate a volleyball match. (GO TO UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT TAB)
Any event-specific requirements communicated by the event host/club/league as well as any applicable application forms, can be found by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the page.
VIDEO: Introduction to MVOA
This video is an introduction to Metro Volleyball to help officials navigate the sometimes complex world of volleyball officiating. You can watch the entire video or skip to the section you'd like to learn more about:
0:00 Introduction & Lead Assignors for each Event
5:57 How to apply to various events
8:55 Accepting Juniors assignments via ArbiterSports
14:21 Required Paperwork for Independent Contractors
All assignments will be managed using Be sure to keep your availability up to date using the calendar found on the BLOCKS tab. It is imperative that you keep your availability up to date throughout the season.
If you're looking for some training on using Arbiter, consider watching one of their recorded webinars on a topic that interests you.
For those of you looking to work a limited or controlled schedule, the best way you can manage your schedule is by first blocking ALL the dates of the season (make them red) and then go back and CLEAR the block from dates that you want to work.
The screen shots shown below are examples of how to perform these 2 steps.
Arbiter Profile & Notification Settings
Not getting game reminder emails? Check your notification preferences.
Log into Arbiter
Be sure Metro (104653) is selected from the upper right drop-down
Click the Profile tab
Click the Preferences menu tab
Check ALL of the boxes in the row of your email address
Change the default time zone to Central Time
Make your phone number public in Arbiter (video on right)
Payroll Paperwork Requirements & Schedule
MVOA Payroll
Compensation details are included in the Independent Contractor Agreement and fees are listed on each event page on our website or within Arbiter (ensure the profile in Arbiter on the top right says Metro (104653) and then go to the MAIN tab for the fee schedule).
Payroll will not be processed until an ICA and W9 are on file with MVOA.
The following may be used as a standard guide for the timing of payroll:
Matches worked between the 1st and 15th of the month have payments scheduled for direct deposit by the last calendar day of that month.
Matches worked between the 16th and the last calendar day of the month have payments scheduled for direct deposit by the 15th day of the following month.
December 31 Payroll will include the entire month for year-end close. That means there is NO Jan 15th payroll.
Starting with the August 31, 2024 Payroll, officials that have not submitted a direct deposit authorization form (SEE STEP 2C) and/or elect to receive their payments via paper check through the US Postal Service will incur a $10 fee deducted from the total amount of the check being issued.
Mailed checks will be at the post office by the 15th and last day of each month. Timing of the receipt of mailed checks is not something that MVOA can control.
STEP 2A - REQUIRED: Independent Contractor Agreement
Each year, all assigned officials are required to fill out a new ICA starting August 1st
Please DO NOT fill out an ICA for the upcoming fall before August 1. The form is updated on August 1, so if you submit before, you'll have do it again.
The ICA is effective August 1 through July 31 (if you already submitted one for the Fall season, this step is completed for the Winter/Spring seasons)
MVOA will only issue payroll to those that have submitted their Independent Contractor Agreement for the proper year.
Please scan any printed forms and upload using the MVOA Secure Upload for W9s & ICAs button below or mail them through USPS to the mailing address listed on the ICA.
A W-9 with your current name and address is required to be on file in order for MVOA to issue any payroll to you as an Independent Contractor
NOTE: If you have received a recent payment from MVOA, then we have your W-9 on file and only need a new one if your name and/or address changes
Please scan any printed forms and upload using the MVOA Secure Upload for W9s & ICAs button below or mail them through USPS to the mailing address listed on the ICA.
STEP 2C - MVOA Direct Deposit (ACH)
MVOA offers electronic payment for our independent contractors which is our preferred method of payment vs sending checks in the mail.
We do NOT use ArbiterPay, if you have that setup, great! But you won't receive payments from us through it. Our ACH is setup directly between our business account and your bank.
Payment notifications and a register of paid matches are sent via email around the time the payment is scheduled.
To enroll, please complete and upload the authorization form linked above.
Starting with the August 31, 2024 Payroll, officials that have not submitted a direct deposit authorization form and/or elect to receive their payments via paper check through the US Postal Service will incur a $10 fee deducted from the total amount of the check being issued.
You may return your completed Direct Deposit form either through USPS to the mailing address listed on the bottom of the form or using the MVOA Secure Upload for Direct Deposit ACH Forms button below.
NOTE: If you have received a recent direct deposit payment from MVOA, then we have your authorization form on file and only need a new one if you change your bank information.
Secure Upload Links
General Liability
Below are some common memberships that include general liability coverage. You may also have personal coverage from a different source not listed here as this is only meant to be an example and is not an exhaustive list. MVOA does not recommend any specific provider nor does MVOA provide liability coverage to independent contractors that we offer assignments for partner events. As per the Independent Contractor Agreement, obtaining insurance coverage is the sole responsibility of the Independent Contractor in order to protect themselves and their assets should an incident occur.
Are you covered?
"Yes, I have general liability coverage because I am currently registered as an official with..."
MSHSL - any sport, liability $2 million per incident/$5 million aggregate
Register with MSHSL | Coverage via NFHSPAVO - volleyball, liability $1 million per incident/$5 million aggregate
Coverage via PAVONASO - offers coverage options like the S.O.S plan with $3 million per incident/$7 million aggregate
See the NASO website for more information
"I'm not I covered for JVA sanctioned events if I registered with USA Volleyball?"
JVA's event insurance provides coverage for all participants, including officials with $1 million per incident/$5 million aggregate, $25,000 per onsite accident/incident coverage.
The normal adult USA Volleyball membership does have liability coverage, but it only covers you for USAV-sanctioned events. Previously, USAV had offered an Extended Coverage option, but that is no longer available starting with the 2023 season.
"I'm not I covered for JVA sanctioned events if I registered with AAU Volleyball?"
JVA's event insurance provides coverage for all participants, including officials with $1 million per incident/$5 million aggregate, $25,000 per onsite accident/incident coverage.
AAU's Non-athlete/Adult Athlete membership specifically for volleyball, does have liability $10 million per incident/$12 million aggregate, but ONLY for AAU sanctioned events and their Extended Coverage (AB) Membership does NOT apply to officials.
JUNIORS SEASON: How Do I Complete These Requirements?
There are different options available to officials to complete requirements to work events that involve minors, however it is up to each Independent Contractor to decide which option best fits with their current and future goals. Background screening and abuse prevention training are required law (S.534 - Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017). Independent Contractors are responsible for completing and providing proof of completion to MVOA in order to accept assignments. MVOA provides the information below as a general guide to assist our Independent Contractors in navigating their options, but this information is in no way an endorsement of a particular option nor an exhaustive list.
STEP 4A - Background Screen
Required: Every two years
AAU - provides general liability insurance and a background screen via FADV for a $55 annual fee (or purchase 2 years for $75)
Every year, register & pay for the "Non-Athlete - Coaches, Officials, etc. (ADULTS ONLY)" AAU membership on the AAU Website
On your MVOA Application, check the box for AAU as a Current/Paid Membership
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your membership card that indicates a cleared background screen/active status
JVA - conducts screening via NCSI for a $38 fee.
Every two years, register & pay for the $38 Background Screen & APS Training on the JVA Website
In the "Select Your Club" drop-down choose:
JPO, Milwaukee, WI (see screenshot below)
You'll receive 3 emails after submitting the JVA form.
#1 is a receipt email for your file.
#2 is an email that has a link to complete the background check consent. You must do this so they process your background check.
#3 is an email that has a link to complete the Abuse Prevention training. Send ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COMa copy of your completion certificate for file.
MVOA has a dashboard on the JVA site where we can track completion of Background Screens & APS Training, but ONLY if you selected "JPO, Milwaukee, WI" from the club drop-down.
However, if you did NOT select "JPO, Milwaukee, WI" from the club drop-down, please email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of pages 7-9 of your passed NCSI screen for file. Instructions on how to print this is in the screen shot below.
When you submit an MVOA Application, be sure to check the box for JVA Membership.
USA Volleyball - conducts screening for a $14 fee every year (this is in addition to an annual $60 membership fee through your respective region through the USA Volleyball website).
On your MVOA Application, check the box for USA Volleyball as a Current/Paid Membership & indicate your region name and certification
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your "CLEAR" email that is sent to you after you've passed their background screen
MSHSL/NFHS - conducts screening with your $60 membership for a single sport. NOTE: First year officials have a $30 membership fee for a single sport.
On your MVOA Application, check the box for MSHSL/NFHS as a Current/Paid Membership
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a screen shot of your Eligibility tab on the MSHSL Central Hub that indicates that you passed their background screen
Ensure the screenshot includes your name in the top right corner as shown in the example below
STEP 4B - SafeSport OR Abuse Prevention (APS) Certificate
Required: Every two years
APS - this certification is unaffiliated. It is INCLUDED in your JVA membership because they bundle it into their membership. It is NOT INCLUDED in your AAU membership. It is NOT NEEDED with an USA Volleyball membership because they have a different SafeSport Certification option.
This option is recommended for those that only have an AAU membership or a MSHSL membership to fulfill the 2 year requirement for SafeSport Certification.
Every two years, purchase a "Single User" pass for $10 to take the "Sexual Abuse Awareness Training - Youth Sports " module on the Abuse Prevention Systems Website.
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your dated completion certificate from APS.
JVA - provides APS Training in conjunction with their background screen registration (SEE STEP 4A OPTION 2 ABOVE).
Every two years, register & pay for the $38 Background Screen & APS Training on the JVA Website.
In the "Select Your Club" drop-down choose:
JPO, Milwaukee, WI (see screenshot below)
You'll receive 3 emails after submitting the JVA form.
#1 is a receipt email for your file.
#2 is an email that has a link to complete the background check consent. You must do this so they process your background check.
#3 is an email that has a link to complete the Abuse Prevention training. Send ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COMa copy of your completion certificate for file.
MVOA has a dashboard on the JVA site where we can track completion of Background Screens & APS Training, but ONLY if you selected "JPO, Milwaukee, WI" from the club drop-down.
However, if you did NOT select "JPO, Milwaukee, WI" from the club drop-down, please email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of pages 7-9 of your passed NCSI screen for file. Instructions on how to print this is in the screen shot below.
When you submit an MVOA Application, be sure to check the box for JVA Membership.
USA Volleyball - provides SafeSport training modules as well as an extensive library of other official training modules as part of their annual membership through the USA Volleyball website > Click the "Login to your SportsEngine account link".
On your MVOA Application, check the box for USA Volleyball as a Current/Paid Membership & indicate your region name and certification
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your SportsEngine > Credentials > Select your Region from the Organization drop-down > Send a Screen shot of our ACTIVE Credentials
Ensure the screenshot includes your name , the dates of the following 2 sections as shown in the screenshot below.
Background Screening - with GREEN ACTIVE Status with valid dates
SafeSport Trained - with GREEN ACTIVE status with valid dates
MSHSL/NFHS - NFHS Learn has a module produced by the U.S. Center for SafeSport as part of their extensive collection of training modules.
NFHS Learn - Protecting Students from Abuse
On your MVOA Application, check the box for MSHSL/NFHS as a Current/Paid Membership
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your dated completed NFHS Learn Certificate
STEP 4C - Concussion Management Training
Required: Every three years
NOTE: MSHSL/NFHS - already provides this training in their eligibility requirements on the MSHSL Central Hub,
Complete the free online CDC training course OR complete the Concussion Module on the MSHSL Central Hub
Email ELIGIBILITY@METROVOLLEYBALL.COM a copy of your dated completion certificate for file