General Mills
League Information - 2024-25 League Starts October 29
League Rules
Hopkins High School - Gym M
2400 Lindbergh Drive, Hopkins, MN 55305
Gym M is next to the Hopkins Gymnastics practice area
On nights when HHS hosts home basketball games, park in the main lot and use Door A (Auditorium Door) to enter. There will be a note in Arbiter on these known dates.
Hopkins North Junior High - Auxiliary Gym
10700 Cedar Lake Rd, Minnetonka
Next to the Swimming Pool
Team Schedules
Tuesday Competitive League
1 court / 4 matches
League: Fall - Winter
Match Times (Changed starting 11/19): 6:45, 7:30, 8:15, 9:00
Arrive ON-COURT no later than 15 minutes prior to match time so you have time to check the net, ball & do the coin toss.
Dress in professional officiating attire. Polo & dark pants.
The teams and/or gym attendants are responsible to set-up and take down the nets.
You are responsible for your own whistle, flipping coin and net chain/tape measure to check net height.
Payment will be $30 per match.
When there is only a single match scheduled, your pay will be $40
See the Independent Contractor page for required paperwork and payroll schedule
Review the Team Schedules links above to verify the # of matches on your court
Report Scores: Record sets won by each team in the match. (Example: Team A: 2; Team B: 1) Detailed set scores are not needed. Scores can be left with the league supervisor after the last match or send via email to Joe Miatech that night if possible.
Subs: May be requested by e-mailing Include the date and location in your request. Advanced notice is appreciated.
Match Format: 3 sets per match. Sets 1 & 2 are played to 25 points, win by 2 with a 27 point cap. Set 3 is played to 15 points, win by 2 with a 17 point cap. Play Set 3 regardless of the result of Sets 1 & 2.
Time Limit: Matches are scheduled for 45 minutes in duration. If the set is not finished by 45 minutes past the scheduled start, the ref will announce last point. If one of the teams has at least 13 points, the set counts, if neither team has 13 points on the last serve, the set doesn't count.
Hats: The league has decided to allow players to wear hats with the brim facing backwards.
Officials Schedule
Assignments will be managed in ArbiterSports under the SCHEDULE tab (see below for an example).
Your assigned court number will appear in the Position column.
To see the others assigned to courts that night, click the blue game number to open a new screen with your partners listed along with their contact information.
The address to your assigned location can be found by clicking the name of the location in the Site column.
The number of matches you're assigned can be found by viewing the Team Schedule above and finding your assigned court. Be aware that some leagues play on multiple courts on a given night, so you may need to look at all team schedules to compile all the matches that will be played on your court.