Getting Started
MSHSL Fall Girls & Spring Boys High School Volleyball Officiating
2024 Fall Girls - August 22-November 2 | 2025 Spring Boys - March 27 - June 5
This page contains pre-season information on getting started in officiating MSHSL volleyball for fall girls and spring boys seasons. Topics include MSHSL Registration & Eligibility including deadlines for required pre-season videos and exam as well as how assignments are offered via Arbiter Sports. Season-specific information can be found on the Girls High School and Boys High School pages.
Checklist - MSHSL Girls & Boys Volleyball
CHECKLIST: All officials must complete the following:
Register with MSHSL for the 24-25 Season , pay their fee, & select Metro Volleyball Officials Association as your Primary (or Secondary) association. Their membership lasts for the school year and thus both the Girls Fall and Spring Boys seasons with a single fee for both seasons.
Complete the MVOA Assigning Survey
You control your schedule! As soon as you've accepted our invitation to ArbiterSports (online assigning website), enter your BLOCKS so we know what day(s) of the week you are available. FYI: Tuesdays/Thursdays are our busiest weekdays.
Submit the 2024-25 Independent Contractor Agreement (available annually on August 1)
Submit a W-9 (only need a new one if you've moved or changed your last name)
Submit a Direct Deposit Authorization form (only need a new one if you changed bank accounts)
Complete the MSHSL Eligibility Requirements by their August & March deadlines.
Every other year, attend an MSHSL in-person or online live clinic in August and/or March.
Complete items #4-6 no later than 1 week prior to your first assignment. The timing of your payment will be reflected by your compliance with this deadline.
REMINDER: Starting August 1, 2024, anyone that has not submitted a Direct Deposit Authorization form and/or requires a paper check to be mailed to them for payroll will incur a $10 processing fee that will be deducted from each issued check.
MVOA Assigning Survey
In addition to registering with the MSHSL, please submit the MVOA Assigning Survey before each season so we know you're interested in being assigned and can code/activate your account correctly in Arbiter.
MSHSL Uniforms & Equipment
What uniform do I need?
The MSHSL Logo Gray Shirt has been required for varsity contests since the 2021 season.
The new MSHSL Logo Blue Shirt has been approved starting with the 2023 season. You do NOT need to match your partner for the regular season, but you WILL need to match for Section/State matches.
You may purchase one locally at General Sports Braemar, 7505 Ikola Way #203, Edina, MN 55439 , but note that they have limited stock available in store. Online orders may be placed but will likely take 10-14 days to receive.
See our Uniforms and Equipment page for more information - look for the MSHSL section.
MVOA Assignments via ArbiterSports
How much does it cost to join the Metro Volleyball Officials Association?
Nothing, zilch, zero, nada, = $0. MVOA does not collect dues from officials. Officials are not members of Metro Volleyball, they are Independent Contractors that apply to be hired and work events that are assigned by MVOA.
The MSHSL Fee Schedule for officials is posted on Arbiter Sports.
Details of those fee increases can be found in Arbiter:Log into Arbiter Sports
Select the "Official" link under Metro Volleyball Officials Association from the drop-down in the top right
Click the DASHBOARD tab
The pay scale is listed in the Announcements section
I selected Metro Volleyball Officials Association as my association when I registered with the MSHSL, does that mean I'm guaranteed to be assigned?
No. MVOA makes roster decisions based on a number of criteria including eligibility, performance, character, need, location, availability, and more.
If you selected MVOA during your registration, but have never communicated with MVOA at any time in the past, it would behoove you to get in touch with one of us to introduce yourself so we know who you are, your goals for officiating and where you'd be most comfortable on the court. Our contact info can be found on the Contact Us page.
Not that Brad & Robyn don't like you, but Debbie likes you more, so your first contact should be Debbie.
What do I need to do in Arbiter to show my availability?
Log into ArbiterSports ASAP and mark your availability for matches for the entire months of August, September, October, & November under BLOCKS > Dates.
Add PART DAY blocks to ALL WEEKDAYS if you are unable to work matches that start earlier than the standard 5:30PM start time.
Your PART DAY block end time should be the time that you can get out the door and leave for the playing site.
Update your BLOCKS > Travel Limits for every day of the week including weekends.
Update your BLOCKS > Teams if there are teams or sites you would like to remove yourself from consideration for assignment.
Ensure your SETTINGS > Profile information is accurate, as this will be used for sending your paychecks.
Share your other assignments with us, select the Metro (104653) Official profile in the upper right drop-down, then click the PROFILE tab and then the Sharing tab. Make sure all items are selected in the left column. Select the other associations in the middle column and ensure that Metro Volleyball Officials Association is selected in the right column, then click the Save button.
How will I be paid?
All payments will be sent to you from Metro Volleyball Officials Association according to the payment terms on the Independent Contractor Agreement. Please don't email asking when you will be paid, read the ICA and Payroll Schedule information on the Independent Contractor page.
You will NOT fill out vouchers at the school or provide them with a W-9 when you are working a match assigned by MVOA. If you are asked by a school to fill in a payment voucher, please politely decline and alert Robyn ASAP.
Log into ArbiterSports and ensure your Profile information (including your address) is up to date as that is the address that will be used to send payment.
All officials working MSHSL matches through MVOA must fill out the MVOA Independent Contractor Agreement and have a W-9 on file with MVOA prior to your first match. A new ICA is required each year on August 1 and covers you for all MVOA assigned matches between Aug 1 - July 31.
Payments by Direct Deposit are the PREFERRED payment method. Please fill out and submit the MVOA Direct Deposit (ACH) authorization form on our Independent Contractors page, Section 2, Step 2C.
MSHSL Registration & Blocking Dates in Arbiter
What certification(s) do I need in order to work Girls High School Volleyball?
Officials need to be registered and complete all eligibility requirements with the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) for the current school year.
How do I register with MSHSL & Block Dates in Arbiter?
Watch the MVOA MSHSL Registration video embedded on the right to walk you through the registration process as well as MVOA-specific information regarding registration & using Arbiter for assignments.
Use the timings below to jump sections:
0:00 MSHSL Registration
7:15 MSHSL Eligibility requirements
10:41 MVOA Arbiter - Fee Schedule, Accepting Assignments, Blocking Dates, Travel Limits, Public Phone # & Sharing
14:24 Blocking Part Days (those that CANNOT work matches that start before 5PM).
MSHSL Training & Scrimmage Opportunities
What can I do to prepare for the new season?
The Arbiter MSHSL Central Hub has a Volleyball resource page with links to rules changes and other information. Take advantage of those resources to prepare yourself for the fall season.
Every other year, you MUST attend an Officials Training Clinic either in person or live via Zoom. The clinic content for the in person and the virtual clinics are the same. These clinics are in lecture-style format. No live-play unless noted.
You are welcome to attend one of these training clinics every year if you wish...just know that the content will be the same for the 2 year cycle. New training clinic content comes out on even years.
Metro Volleyball has historically partnered with the MSHSL to offer a pre-season on-court training opportunity where officials are in uniform and officiate live play as both the R1 & R2.
Go to the Girls High School page for specific training dates for the fall season
Go to the Boys High School page for specific training dates for the spring season
Are there any scrimmages that we can use to prepare?
Glad you asked! Pre-season scrimmage opportunities can be found in Arbiter under the SCHEDULES tab > Self Assign sub-tab.
Click the [Go] link in the Assign column to claim a spot in the scrimmage
Once claimed, the date will appear in your SCHEDULES tab > Calendar sub-tab
NOTE: The scrimmage date must be clear of any blocks in order for you to see them.
MSHSL Eligibility FAQs
How do I access the MSHSL Central Hub?
The MSHSL Central Hub website is:
Where can I get a rule book?
Rule books are sent by the MSHSL on "odd" years (i.e. 2023, 2025, 2027). You should expect to keep your rule book for two seasons, so only throw out your old one when you receive a new one.
If you are a brand new official, the MSHSL should provide a copy of the rule book to you even if it's not an "odd" year. If you don't receive one, ask them to send you one by emailing
If you lost your copy, you should be able to buy one from the MSHSL Store.
Or you can get an online copy using the NFHS Rules App for your mobile device.
How do I check my eligibility progress?
Log into Arbiter
Click the ELIGIBILITY tab
Click one of your Enrolled eligibility balls (doesn't matter which one, they all lead to the same page)
ALL items in the top section need to have a GREEN CHECKMARK. Click the BLUE LINK in the ACTION column to complete the item.
Upon completion, you'll receive an email from
For SECTION or STATE eligibility, complete ONE of the items in the bottom section.
How do I know if I completed all MSHSL Eligibility requirements?
Watch the embedded MVOA MSHSL Registration video above for more information on how to complete requirements.
Once you have completed all the required eligibility modules and the test, you will see a Volleyball appear under your picture in Arbiter under the PROFILE tab.
If you believe you have completed all requirements, but your eligibility status hasn't updated after a day, forward any completion certificates that you received via email when you completed the module to and have them update your status manually.
Do I need to send MVOA a screen shot of my MSHSL Eligibility ball?
No, we see your eligibility ball in Arbiter, no need to send us a screen shot.
I haven't taken the MSHSL Test yet, when can I do that?
The exam and video modules are scheduled to be available the beginning of August & March prior to the start of each fall & spring season.
The Printable version of the exam has historically been posted on the MSHSL Central Hub so you can review the test questions ahead of time before using the online exam to submit your answers.
To take the exam, go to the MSHSL Central Hub > click the Eligibility Tab > Click one of the volleyball icons in the middle section (i.e. State, Section, Regular, Student, Reciprocity) > Click "Take Test" in the top section.
Deadlines to complete the exam can be found in the MSHSL Information/Deadlines section at the top of this page. PRO TIP: Do NOT wait until the last day to do take the exam. You MUST have your eligibility ball on your profile in order to work matches which start the day after the deadline. Be sure to start the season off right by taking care of business!
I registered with MSHSL and watched the General Meeting, but I haven't attended the Volleyball Online Clinic, how do I do that?
Both the General and Volleyball-specific online videos will be at the start of August & March on the Arbiter MSHSL Central Hub under the Eligibility tab. Deadlines to complete both the General and Volleyball online training videos can be found in the MSHSL Information/Deadlines section at the top of this page.
I need to attend a 2 year in-person training clinic for MSHSL, is there one scheduled before the season?
YES! The MSHSL sends sign-ups for their in-person clinics through Arbiter on your SCHEDULE tab as an "EVENT." Click on the blue "EVENT" link in the far left "Game" column to view details about the clinic and check the box to either Accept or Decline the event to register.
Links to register for these clinics are sent via email by MSHSL & listed on our Girls High School and Boys High School pages for their respective seasons.